SAP BTP Trial Environment provides an ABAP Trial environment as a susbcription. Below are the links that will help you quickly create the ABAP trial instance :
Step 1: follow the Blog below from SAP community network to create a BTP trial account and create a ABAP trial instance:
Step 2: Download the most recent version of Eclipse here:
Step 3: Once you install Eclipse add the latest SAP plugins from the help–>install New software menu
and use the below URL in the work with URL :
Step 4:
To connect to the ABAP Cloud instance on BTP , add a new ABAP cloud project in eclipse ADT and enter the service key json file on the dailog box and the URL is extracted which can be copied to clipboard and entered as the URL for ABAP instance
Step 5 : use the same user id and password as the BTP trial account to login to the ABAP instance
Step 6: if you encounter the below error make sure you download the latest vesion of Eclipse and reinstall ADT
“You were successfully authenticated, but an error occurred during fetching the Service Instance’s SAP System ID.”